"Advanced Concepts of O.B. Transport" Seminar

Research has shown a significantly improved outcome of the high risk mother and neonate when delivery occurs in a tertiary care center.

  Enroll in Course

O.B. STAT, Inc. offers a comprehensive seminar designed to provide obstetrical transport training from assessment & stabilization through transport.

Course topics include:

  • Fetal Monitoring Interpretation.
  • Conditions Warranting Transport.
  • Assessment and stabilization of the high-risk pregnancy.
  • Emergency Childbirth / Complications.
  • Suggested Equipment & Supplies.
  • Interactive Case Presentations.


Your Instructor

Pam Adams, RN/EMT-P
Pam Adams, RN/EMT-P

Pam is the president of O.B. STAT, an organization designed to educate EMS and Critical Care personnel on maternal transports. She founded and ran the first dedicated maternal transport team in Florida. Pam has a 40 year background in emergency medicine and nursing. Being involved in flight medicine since 1989, she is a speaker at international EMS transport conventions such as the annual AAMS convention. She’s authored numerous obstetrical chapters for various transport standards books, and gives freely of her time to further OB transport education.

In addition to educating, Pam serves as a legal nurse consultant / expert witness for attorneys on OB related cases. This “critical eye” expertise lends transport clients an additional advantage when writing their policies and standards during consultations.

Course Curriculum

  Section 1: Assessing the Unborn Fetus
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 2: Fetal Assessment, Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 3: Assessing the Pregnant Patient
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 4: Stabilizing Conditions for Transport
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 5 Outreach
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 6: Emergency Situations in OB Transport
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 7: Conditions warranting transport and stabilization, part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 8: Medical Legal Considerations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Section 9: Putting it all together with Case Studies
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final Exam
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the goals or objectives of this course?
1. Familiarize student with the special needs of obstetrical patients in transport. 2. Understand common conditions warranting transport. Adequately assess maternal patients, provide proper interventions necessary for stabilization and ensuring appropriate care enroute. 3. Recognize abnormal fetal heart rate and contraction patterns and describe appropriate interventions. 4. Identify risks and benefits to maternal transports, and when to say “no” to a transport. 5. Understand emergency childbirth and related complicated deliveries.
What type of medical professionals should take this class?
Nurses, EMT/Paramedics, Respiratory Therapists or Physicians who are involved in the Field EMS, Emergency Room, Critical Care Transport Team members (ground and air), or Childrens Hospitals. Class participants may include EMS & Emergency Room personnel, students, or others interested in expanding their knowledge base. It is highly recommended that ALL health care professionals responsible for assessment, stabilization or transport of maternal patients take this course. IT IS NOT recommended for experienced L&D nurses. (L&D nurses, please contact us for other educational opportunities).
What do I receive with the course?
You will receive one of a kind education not found anywhere else. This course provides obstetric transport education to those who have NO COMFORT in transporting these women, and giving you just the right amount of education to vastly increase your comfort level. Upon completion of this class, you will receive a certificate of completion and 13.25 contact hours through ASTNA (Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association).
Are there any restrictions with this class?
ABSOLUTELY NO AUDIO, VIDEO, OR COPY OF THESE MATERIALS MAY BE MADE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM O.B. STAT, INC Please note: The class materials are to be viewed by the person taking the class only, not projected to multiples in a classroom. All materials in this class are copyrighted © O.B. STAT, Inc. and such materials within protected under copyright laws. Anyone violating these will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This class is only a guideline to subjects being taught. It does not provide "proficiency" in any skills taught within the class and no "certifications" are obtained by completing it. Class materials updated twice yearly. ACCESS TO CLASS IS 60 DAYS FROM INITIAL START DAY. HOWEVER WE UNDERSTAND LIFE GETS IN THE WAY OF BEST LAID PLANS! PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL TIME SO WE CAN ADJUST YOUR CLASS ACCESS ACCORDINGLY, NO PROBLEM.

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